
There are many configurable parameters in FabricEval. Most are all defined in common/flags.py, some are defined locally to a file. We go through each of them.

Local flags in e2e/run.py

NETWORK: This local flag specifies the network name to be used in evaluation. Available values are (detailed spec in topology/topogen.py):

name size topology
toy3 large spine-free
toy4 small spine-free
toy5 medium spine-free
toy6 large Clos
f1 medium spine-free
f2 small spine-free

LOAD_TOPO: A local flag controlling whether to load a pre-generated topology from tests/data/. The textproto file must exist.

LOAD_TM: A local flag controlling whether to load pre-generated traffic demands from tests/data/. The textproto file must exist.

LOAD_SOL: A local flag controlling whether to load a pre-generated TE solution from tests/data/. The textproto file must exist.

Global flags in common/flags.py

VERBOSE: The verbosity level of logs. 0 means no informational printing, no Gurobi log. 1 means informational log + Gurobi summary log. 2 means full Gurobi log.

P_LINK_FAILURE: Probability of a link failure in the topology. N.B., setting it too high might cause a network partition.

EQUAL_INGRESS_EGRESS: True means the block total ingress should equal its total egress when generating demands with the traffic demand generator.

P_SPARSE: Fraction of blocks with 0 demand in a demand matrix.

ENABLE_HEDGING: True to enforce path diversity constraint.

S: Spread of path diversity in (0, 1].

USE_INT_INPUT_GROUPS: If True, inputs to group reduction algorithms are scaled up to integer groups (lossless proportional scale up).

INFINITE_ECMP_TABLE: True to enable infinite ECMP table size, overrides TABLE_LIMIT and MAX_GROUP_SIZE flag.

TABLE_LIMIT: Switch table limit.

MAX_GROUP_SIZE: Max ECMP entries a group is allowed to use. Some group reduction algorithms might enforce a per-group limit.

IMPROVED_HEURISTIC: True to enable a set of improved heuristics in group reduction. (1) pruning policy. (2) max group size. (3) table limit used. (4) group admission policy.

EUROSYS_MOD: True to enable modified EuroSys algorithm, i.e., performs pruning.

PARALLELISM: Number of parallel group reductions allowed to run.

GUROBI_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds for a single Gurobi invocation.

GR_ALGO: The algorithm to use for group reduction. Must be one of {eurosys, eurosys_mod, google, igr, dmir, gurobi}.

DUMP_GROUPS: True to dump groups from switches to a csv file.

ENABLE_GRAPHDB: True to enable FabricEval to connect to a backend graph database and construct a topology graph for interaction with the network topology.

GRAPHDB_URI: URI of the backend graph database.