
The GlobalTE component solves a large-scale TE optimization problem. For better scalability, GlobalTE performs a two-level hierarchical solving.

As the traffic demands are aggregated to an aggregation-block-level matrix, GlobalTE solves the TE problem on the aggregation block level, i.e., it finds the optimal traffic placement between aggregation block pairs. Then the TE solution for each demand is grouped together by clusters. LocalTE takes the snippet of TE solution for a cluster and further converts that solution into detailed physical switch level TE solution. LocalTE will be introduced in the next section.

Assuming a network as a graph G = (V, E), the aggregation block level TE formulation (pseudo math) in GlobalTE is as follows:

minimize: max link utilization util_max
s.t. util(link) <= util_max, for any link in E,
util(link) = sum(flows assigned on link) / capacity(link),
sum(flows assigned on link) <= capacity(link),
sum(flows for demand i) = demand i,
flows for a demand must use at least S% of available paths,
flow size >= 0

Detailed GurobiPy-based formulation can be found in solve() in globalTE/ Users should find it low effort to change the formulation or write their own since everything is based on Python.