TE solution

The generated TE solution is represented in protobuf format.

message PrefixIntent {
    enum PrefixType {
      UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown as the default forces explicitly set type.
      SRC = 1; // The PrefixIntent is programmed at the source node.
      TRANSIT = 2; // The PrefixIntent is programmed at the transit node.

    message NexthopEntry {
        // Unique name identifier for nexthop (physical) port.
        string nexthop_port = 1;
        // Weight fraction of traffic to be distributed on this port.
        double weight = 2;

    // An ipv4 prefix of the destination.
    string dst_prefix = 1;
    // Net mask in slash notation.
    uint32 mask = 2;
    // (optional) FQDN of dst entity. If PrefixIntent is for aggregation blocks,
    // there is only one PrefixIntent per dst AggrBlock, and the dst_prefix may
    // not be set, in which case, dst_name should be set to the name of the dst
    // AggrBlock. For ToR-level PrefixIntent, dst_name may not be set.
    string dst_name = 3;
    // Type of this PrefixIntent.
    PrefixType type = 4;
    // Nexthop entries used to reach the destination prefix.
    // Note: all weights must normalize and sum to 1.
    repeated NexthopEntry nexthop_entries = 5;

message TEIntent {
    // Unique name identifier for the originating aggregation block.
    string target_block = 1;
    // TE traffic distribution intents for each destination prefix.
    repeated PrefixIntent prefix_intents = 2;

message TESolution {
    enum SolutionType {
      LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown as the default forces explicitly set type.
      LEVEL_TOR = 1; // ToR-level solution.
      LEVEL_AGGR_BLOCK = 2; // Aggregation-block-level solution.
    // TE solution type could be ToR-level or AggrBlock-level, depending on the
    // corresponding traffic demand type.
    SolutionType type = 1;
    // Traffic engineering intents grouped by target nodes.
    repeated TEIntent te_intents = 2;

A TESolution contains multiple TEIntent, where each TEIntent contains all the detailed TE solution info for a cluster. In the TEIntent, there are PrefixIntent, which is the intent of traffic placement for each destination address prefix. A PrefixIntent is the minimal unit of traffic split, it indicates the prefix type (e.g., SRC or TRANSIT) and a list of NexthopEntry. The NexthopEntry is a simple data structure of the port name and the amount traffic to be placed on it. Once it is converted to a group, it can be consumed by each switch.